Tuesday, 14 January 2014

LoveSounds- The 1975 LIVE IN CONCERT!

So last week I went to work, caught up with some Greys Anatomy, joined a new gym oh and I saw The 1975 live in concert. Anyway the highlight of my week had to be that customer who-OMG OMG OH. MY. GAHD! I SAW THE 1975, MATTY, GEORGE, ROSS AND ADAM (okay enough with the caps lock, deep breaths) I saw them all live on stage, in the flesh and basked in their presence.
 I was actually supposed to go alone and I was terrified, what if I looked crazy by myself I thought, NO CHANCE MATE! Have you heard of a certain past time called, Indie Moshing? I've been to concerts before but this was my first actual rock/indie concert and I was in for real a treat! Indie Moshing oh how I love you, we moshed and moshed the night away and I ended up closer to Matty than when I started the night.
The crowd was so united it was like we were one big, rather aggressive, sex starved family chanting 'Sex! Sex! Sex!' I was fully immersed like Matty was after diving into the crowd two minutes into 'The City', the first song! I concentrated on connecting with the music and the boys on a spiritual level, I devoted my mind, body and soul whilst praying for another mosh session so this 6ft2 guy would disconnect his painfully bony elbow from the indent of my crooning neck. I shared the joy of the pain with one of my bffl's as I persuaded her to buy a last minute e-ticket for the sold out show at the O2 Academy Brixton. If she hadn't already proved her worth and value to me as a best bud in the, well 18yrs that we've known each other, that night she surely did, I thanked God and O2 priority moments for her existence as her O2 contract is what got us from the very back of the queue to the priority queue right at the front...stay with me now, I know it's a lot to take in. I was incredibly emotional so I moshed for mankind as I released all that energy, love and passion. Matty shook his hair as hard as George clashed those cymbals, I felt Adam tug on my heart strings as he caressed his guitar and Ross modulated the pitch of my very existence when he played that bass.

Everything suddenly became very surreal, this ethereal lighting created a hazy understanding of what my life had become, why hadn't I felt this euphoria before? Or everyday for that matter? Who was this girl screaming, crying and shaking uncontrollably whilst clutching onto me? And where was that loud screech coming from? Is that me? Is that Matty on the balcony?! Yes, they gave us everything, Matty sacrificed his body about 3 times to the restless audience, they gave us their pure talent and love they even gave us a bottle of water for Gods sake man! It was only right someone threw a lollipop on stage, a small token of our love. Matty gave us his most sensitive side, he sung 'Is Their Somebody Who Can Watch You?' a song for his little brother, this song means so much to all of us, he told us to put our phones away, because this ones for us, so in true concert style we put our (their-I'm obviously not cool enough) lighters up to show some lurve!
To sum the night up in one word would be impossible, it was a full on out of body experience, the night is one big blur of euphoria and a blue beam which is the visual representation of the load screams that penetrated my ears. We ended the night herding out into the lobby to buy tour tee's chanting 'Sex! Sex! Sex' I do love a good Indie Rock concert. What's that you say? Bournemouth Feb 14th? See you there love! xx 

Monday, 13 January 2014

Life Advice-Eat Clean > Get Lean

Hey Everybody! Now that all the festivities have died down and we've finally said 'No more' to the heaving snack cupboard, I think it's now time to embark on a 'Eat Clean, Get Lean' lifestyle. Notice I didn't use the word 'diet', this is because I am deadly serious guys, I'm so Pro Green it hurts!-Literally. I dropped my old gym membership, with its cheap benefits for my new local gym, more expensive and more hard work. But this new lifestyle means more effort, I have to cook my own meals (I still live with my ma!) and be sensible when it comes to portion control and timing. I'm getting the hang of it and it's so fun, making new meals, trying out different meal plans and working out which releases those endorphins! I'm a happy chap these days, I tell ya! 

However, about a week ago today when I decided to go all the way, I made a rather ill-advised decision. Scrolling on one of my new favourite apps 'Pinterest' I came across the Victoria Secret Model diet and got sucked into the dark side, where unfortunately, there are no cookies, or sweets, carbs and oh of course no meat. Zilch. I thought what could I do to improve my fitness and general health, I definitely cannot train twice a day like Adrianna Lima and carbs and meat make up most of my meals; overwhelmed I took the plunge and rose to the challenge, no meat for two weeks.I eat meat literally everyday. Now there's nothing wrong with not eating meat, there are many healthy pescatarians and vegetarians, the difference is, they have a healthy alternative which I didn't consider. Day 7 on my meat free diet I felt lighter and pretty keen to carry on, I lined (and I use this term loosely) my stomach with Special K honey nut clusters, with crushed walnuts and hazelnut soya milk (another substitute) and headed off to my local gym.
I met with a personal trainer and we worked out my short/long term goals and a six week workout plan. Everything was going well and he seemed pretty impressed with me if I say so myself, that is until I fainted in true East-end duff duff moment style towards the end of my workout. Typical. There could only be one explanation-fatigue. I was zapped with minimal energy! We finished up after I came round with crimson cheeks (obviously due to my cringing) and I walked out head down ashamed of myself. I felt guilty because I couldn't finish the workout, in true honesty the old me would have given up and succumb to the wet towel, Gatorade, pack of sensations and a pack of strawberry laces treatment; but the new me took it on the chin and learnt a good lesson. 
So guys and dolls once again I have some advice for you, when cutting foods out make sure you have an alternative which is just as good. For example, I made Thai Coconut Prawns, a meal without meat which instead consisted of really tasty prawns, lots of spicy peppers like scotch bonnet and finger chillies to boost metabolism and some fresh Sugarsnap peas. Obviously I need to find a way to incorporate protein into my diet if I'm not going to eat meat otherwise it's back to the drawing board. When feeling peckish, which is standard for me go I for some homemade Granola which is incredibly easy to make you'll kick yourself for not thinking of it sooner. I made a really simple one earlier, it contains, oats, maple syrup for all my sweet tooth sistahs! dried blueberries, chia seeds, walnuts, pecan nuts and banana. You can have it with yoghurt, milk (flavoured soy milk if you're fancy like moi) and add more fruits if you're feeling blue. 

Bottom line is kids, be safe when it comes to your health, I was scared as I had no control over my body, my brain was literally starved and parched, much like me now, where did I put that Granola? Oooh Acai Berry Juice! See ya xxx 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Finding The Right Shade

Hi Guuuuys! I hope you're all alright this is my first beauty post and it's all about them liipppsss! Finding your weapon of choice is ridiculously complicated, I usually feel just as mind boggled when looking for the right lipstick as I did when I sat at the back of my maths lessons-out of place and damn we'll confused. As perplexing as it may seem, patience and good lighting go a long way when testing out different, brands, textures and shades of lipsticks. So for a second forget about that dry spot on your face that just caught your eye in the mirror by the beauty counter and grab a shade, any shade! Okay not just any shade, you know what I mean!? 

Everyone's different and so is every brand so finding the right shade is HARD but not impossible. My go to brand (as a beginner-which I still am and probably always will be) is Topshop. Seriously they have so many different types of lipsticks that range from pencils to tints and even crayons. I personally have bought 3 lipsticks from Topshop, the first was a lip tint in the shade Bitten Berry. For my first attempt I was SO IN THERE! The tint is thick and glossy but not sticky at all, it stains your lips and is very vibrant. This is so my shade and that's why it works, I like the tint because It doesn't require much effort to sustain and pull off. HOWEVER! It's been discontinued, but check online as it may still be available there. 

Discovering my second shade was NOT a good time. It is a nude lipstick in a creamy finish and dirty pink shade, called Beatnik, I bought this lipstick because I thought it would compliment my skin tone, I thought that sticking to a soft neutral shade would be just fine. BOY WAS I WRONG! I tried all the techniques that I knew of, moisturising my lips first, using a liner, mixing colours-this just wasn't working out. I know that using a lipstick is scary because of the texture that can show if your lips aren't as baby soft as they could be, and shimmer is just a big fat no for some of us! 

Finally, the most recent buy from Topshop is again another creamy finish lipstick, which is important if you already have lips that are prone to drying out. It is in a dark pink slash purple shade called Damned, I now understand that I can have a pop of colour when it comes to lipstick, I just need to line them properly and choose warmer rather than cooler tones. 

To prep my lips for some smooching action! (I'm just juicing it up calm down) I use the LUSH lip scrub in Bubblegum because it lightly exfoliates my lips and leaves me feeling LUSH. 
Then I smear my lips with the Body shop Born Lippy lip balm in Watermelon! YUUUMMMM!!

I hope this helps if you're new to lipsticks and all that jazz and if you're a pro have you got any tips to share? Please bring forth all your suggestions, Thank you xxxx 

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Life Advice-New Years Eve

Hello & Happy New years to all my readers out there! 

This post is a little more serious compared to my previous topics, don't get me wrong I'm dead serious about all this boyband/fashion malarkey but this is like life or death serious- lol-no laughing. *clears throat* I should have predicted this would happen a lot sooner therefore this post would have been written for you all to read and take heed. (I'm really trying to be serious here but I just rhymed unintentionally lol) 
We all get caught up in the hype surrounding New Years Eve and the immense partying that usually goes down, I definitely planned to be apart of the loud, free spirited crowd who stumbled down the street with all my mates down from Uni, but it didn't end that way at all. I was stumbling down the street, but with one of my closest friends who was completely comatose from drinking too much too fast. Although experimenting with alcohol can be fun as you feel complete euphoric adrenaline pump through your body, what young people in particular are unaware of is the fact that this alcohol which lots of people will refer to as the Devil's nectar, is flowing straight through your bloodstream and slowly poisoning your brain. 
Going out clubbing or even to a house party is my idea of fun, being surrounded by all your mates, loud music and a thick bass making your chest vibrate is complete escape from a mundane and dead week at work or college/uni but when that good night is ruined by someone elses irresponibility you have to know what signs to look for and keep calm so you can be an efficient help. Here are some tips for you:

When drinking:

-Know your body, personally if I drink on a full stomach a chunder is defo approaching but it is not usually a good idea to eat on an empty stomach 

-Never put your drink down-You dont want to get SPIKED 

- Pace yourself, unless you're a complete lightweight you wont feel the effects immediately, take your time, you've got all night there's no rush

-KNOW YOUR LIMITS- I can't stress this enough, limits are based on the individual, size, weight, age and gender all constitute how your body is affected 

Helping A Friend:

-Give them water but no too much because it will fill them up and force them to be sick which isn't always helpful 

-If they are chundering, make sure you lean them forward so they don't choke-DO NOT EVER force them to be sick! Their brains aren't functioning properly so their gag reflex isn't good, they could choke and potentially die. 

-Don't try to walk them around if they are unresponsive (but obviously still breathing) again their brains are slow and trying to make them walk could cause both you and them injury 

-DON'T LEAVE THEM, no matter how tempting it may be to get back to the party, your friend needs you now more than ever, if you leave them alone anything could happen, they are completely vulnerable and helpless 

-Get help, no one expects you to do this alone, if things get too scary and there's no one to help call the emergency services and they'll take over 

Anyway, keep safe guys, you don't want to be that friend and you definitely don't want to be the person left responsible for someone else's life. 

This Was Me
HAVE FUN but be responsible for your body!