So last week I went to work, caught up with some Greys Anatomy, joined a new gym oh and I saw The 1975 live in concert. Anyway the highlight of my week had to be that customer who-OMG OMG OH. MY. GAHD! I SAW THE 1975, MATTY, GEORGE, ROSS AND ADAM (okay enough with the caps lock, deep breaths) I saw them all live on stage, in the flesh and basked in their presence.
I was actually supposed to go alone and I was terrified, what if I looked crazy by myself I thought, NO CHANCE MATE! Have you heard of a certain past time called, Indie Moshing? I've been to concerts before but this was my first actual rock/indie concert and I was in for real a treat! Indie Moshing oh how I love you, we moshed and moshed the night away and I ended up closer to Matty than when I started the night.

The crowd was so united it was like we were one big, rather aggressive, sex starved family chanting 'Sex! Sex! Sex!' I was fully immersed like Matty was after diving into the crowd two minutes into 'The City', the first song! I concentrated on connecting with the music and the boys on a spiritual level, I devoted my mind, body and soul whilst praying for another mosh session so this 6ft2 guy would disconnect his painfully bony elbow from the indent of my crooning neck. I shared the joy of the pain with one of my bffl's as I persuaded her to buy a last minute e-ticket for the sold out show at the O2 Academy Brixton. If she hadn't already proved her worth and value to me as a best bud in the, well 18yrs that we've known each other, that night she surely did, I thanked God and O2 priority moments for her existence as her O2 contract is what got us from the very back of the queue to the priority queue right at the front...stay with me now, I know it's a lot to take in. I was incredibly emotional so I moshed for mankind as I released all that energy, love and passion. Matty shook his hair as hard as George clashed those cymbals, I felt Adam tug on my heart strings as he caressed his guitar and Ross modulated the pitch of my very existence when he played that bass.

Everything suddenly became very surreal, this ethereal lighting created a hazy understanding of what my life had become, why hadn't I felt this euphoria before? Or everyday for that matter? Who was this girl screaming, crying and shaking uncontrollably whilst clutching onto me? And where was that loud screech coming from? Is that me? Is that Matty on the balcony?! Yes, they gave us everything, Matty sacrificed his body about 3 times to the restless audience, they gave us their pure talent and love they even gave us a bottle of water for Gods sake man! It was only right someone threw a lollipop on stage, a small token of our love. Matty gave us his most sensitive side, he sung 'Is Their Somebody Who Can Watch You?' a song for his little brother, this song means so much to all of us, he told us to put our phones away, because this ones for us, so in true concert style we put our (their-I'm obviously not cool enough) lighters up to show some lurve!
09/01/14 |
To sum the night up in one word would be impossible, it was a full on out of body experience, the night is one big blur of euphoria and a blue beam which is the visual representation of the load screams that penetrated my ears. We ended the night herding out into the lobby to buy tour tee's chanting 'Sex! Sex! Sex' I do love a good Indie Rock concert. What's that you say? Bournemouth Feb 14th? See you there love! xx
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