Monday 16 February 2015

LoveSounds: Willough

It's not surprising to find that some things do not change in life. The things that happened in your past still happened and the things that will occur in your future will too occur. But the joy of music is that it helps to change your understanding of situations and circumstances. Better yet, if you can't understand these things with your way of thinking, music can help to open up a new dimension in which your perspective changes and acceptance becomes a constructive process. Willow Smith has slowly over the years become an advocate for this kind of transformative thinking. 

It's fair to say the young star has caused a lot of controversy, due to her age and actions, she's shaved off her hair, had it in very expressionistic styles and dresses in the same manner which reflects her musical abilities. Most people know her from being the youngest of the smiths, her role in the Madagascar movies and of course who can forget how hard she 'whipped her hair back and forth'. She's always had a positive message to share and I'm glad she realised she had a voice to speak out. Recently, I watched a documentary which explored the possession of power through the use of the Internet; who has it and what will they do with it? Willow is one of the strong, young minds that have grasped the power that they have and the messages they can send out. Whether or not you believe in numerology, or chakara's or the fact that she has 3 eyes and 6 arms is irrelevant to the fact that her voice and music and thoughts can have a proficient affect on you and your train of thoughts. 

Instead of capitalising off of her talents by making music which means nothing to her, she shares soundbites on Soundcloud on what she's been working on with big artists like SZA in their track 'Cuban Pete' and her amazing freestyle 'Female Energy' which I completely adorned the moment I heard it. I wore the track like a turban and let the thoughts, the vibes and the feelings emitted seep into my mind and became complete zen. She's right, some things are really out of our control and we can only deal with these things once we accept it and allow ourselves to float above the negativity. Willow talks about a lot of things which some people may find uncomfortable or strange, in an interview with she said she's been really into number as a few had been 'chasing' her and her friends. If you're familiar with Lisa 'Left-Eye' Lopez and her thoughts on numerology you'll understand a little about what these numbers mean to people like her. It would be a huge mistake of yours to disregard her music on the basis that, this kind of thinking about Prana energy, frequencies and vibrations isn't your sort of thing because the message still stands as the same. 

Willow tells in an interview, “I’ve been coming into this new phase in my life, just becoming one with all that is, going deeper into myself and getting to the goal of my music, which is to share that feeling and pass on knowledge so that consciousness can be raised on this planet.” 

In 2015, what could we stand to gain from a 14 year old creative you ask? Well I say you could learn and vibe with Willow so much, the production on some of these tracks will blow your mind. The lyrics will leave you speechless, comprehending whether you've just learned what your emotions sound like through sounds and melodies and what they look like painted in the artwork of the tracks by a 14 year old who started writing her own novels aged 6! Willow has so much to offer and an array of tracks for you to indulge in. 

Head over to her Soundcloud 'Willough', to experience what change feels like though music and free yourself in such beautiful LoveSounds. 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

La Chienne: Evolution

I dabbled into the idea of creating a new anonymous blog as a space to talk about all the things which result in me being called a Bitch. I wanted it to be anonymous because well contrary to popular belief sometimes I don't like being called a bitch, but its all in the name, embrace it. Ive been doing a lot of wall-flowering as of recent and have blended into the background taking the magnolia way out of situations, but I'm getting bored so I brought the bitch back. Don't worry all who fear, I keep her locked in a cage and every now and then I let her breathe while I take her on long walks in the crevices of my sane mind and let her say her piece. So with that being said, this is another addition to the ReRegal blog, small think pieces which stem from very bitchy, strong, smart independent girly thoughts! So here's to change!

Recently i've been thinking a lot about evolution, change and growth in a magnitudinal way. Growing up I knew I loved to write, on scrap paper, diaries and notepads. I wrote so many stories and letters to my windows document folders; no one ever read them-and look where I am now. Still sat typing away but now I have some kind of audience, some kind of consumption, even if there is no reception I can feel the release from the pads of my fingertips to the stratosphere of the Internet. We will capitalise it because often it doesn't capitalise us, off of us. The Smith children have had a huge impact on my zen like vibes with their beautiful songs which they've shared on Soundcloud-I'll save that for another post.
Very Zen Like Gems That I Collect

I've been thinking a lot about capitalism in my sociology module as part of my degree. We live in a world where the system of monopolisation is still as dictating to our society as it was in the days of the Egyptians and the Fuedal system. However, this Y generation which I belong to is growing and growing and 'they' don't know it but the revolution will indeed be televised.. probably on Youtube but televised none the less. You can't cheat the Internet, 15 years ago today the Internet had everyone shook up and scared of it, Y2K! The Millennium Bug! You get it if you're a digi-native, born into the digital era, you know all about the power of the Internet., the Y generation should be reclassified as the evolutionary revolutionaries.

I heard the Internet was taking the world by storm. I heard all about Eric Garner, Mike Brown and the fact that 'WE CANT BREATHE'! from Twitter.. not The News. Apparently, 1000's who can't breathe in Westfield London, stopping traffic with their suffocation and shutting down Central London with their asphyxiation isn't newsworthy. But what do 'they' know? The Internet is ours, we are the news and we own the communication across the seas, so tell your story in OneHundredAndFortyCharactersOrLess. Instagram is the time capsule that will tell our legacies about the truths 'they' didn't want to share through pictures and videos. And these blog posts right here are the messages in a bottle that somebody will stumble across and consume what I have to say and what I have to share.

I've been thinking a lot about evolution and I think i'm evolving. I've been thinking a lot, and some people don't like it when you think too much. Tumblr tells you overthinking blows your mind and crashes the system. But thats fine, break the walls down and think long and hard because knowledge is power and we're getting pretty powerful.