Thursday, 7 November 2013


Hi Everyone & Welcome To My Blog!
My name is Regina and with that comes many connotations, the Latin meaning being 'Queen' and the American-High School symbol of  'Queen B(itch)'-Regina George.
Basically Me On An Arrogant Day
 I however, fit gracefully somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. I am both sheepishly subtle and charmingly boisterous at times and I cant wait to reflect that in my writing. If you're into scouting new talent, both musically and the literal sense ;) then you'll love my 'LoveSounds' posts about new artists on the scene and reviews on the books I've read and had a rather intellectual natter about at Book Club whilst munching on some good old Tyrells Sweet Chilli & Red Pepper crisps. As a Gap Year Student in London, the world has genuinely become my oyster, it's a shame about that 16+ Oyster card expiring though R.I.P free travel :( I still feel as though I owe it to the Dream Biggers out there who would kill (not literally) to live in the cosmopolitan hub that is London and take full advantage so I hope you'll stick around and see how great I can make my Gap Year! xx

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